Friday, March 23, 2012

2CARATS response to Huggies squirmy babies! Shayna Rose and Elizabeth Shea

Yes, my little C is a squirmy baby! He tries everything he can to roll, crawl, arch, sit up and escape my grasp when it's diaper changing time. Trying to get the tabs in place was an impossible task, so those times when I gave up and let them be looser on one side always ended up in a leak or blowout later.
Shayna was brilliant to come up with this little ditty, and guess what? It worked! It doesn't hurt that my son is absolutely in love with her, too. ;) He sits and smiles, stretches out his legs and lets me pull the genius little Huggies slip-ons off and on without a hitch. Always a perfect fit for his cute little bum.
Try singing a silly song to your squirmy baby - maybe even this one - and let me know if it works for you, too!
- Liz (Sugar)